Federation of Physicians and Dentists

Affiliated With: NUHHCE / AFSCME / AFL-CIO


How your life is better with a Union Contract.

Union Solidarity


The “Right to Work” for Less

Union Advocacy


Seat at the Table

It's Time To Organize!

A message from the Executive Director

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Well, we have survived the Pandemic and in most cases are recovering some normalcy in daily life. We remember those we lost with love and gratitude. The economy continues to have a brittle recovery as well. We continue the fight to obtain and maintain good union contracts for all our members.  

In Florida, we have a new, massive challenge to job security. The Florida Legislature, on May 9, 2023, passed and Governor DeSantis signed SB 256. It’s an onerous law, affecting all unionized State and Municipal employees in Florida, which is intended to erode Union membership along with the existing “Right to Work” law. Effective July 1, 2023, and thereafter, State and Municipal Employers will no longer be authorized to take Union dues from union employee’s payroll checks. Union employees will be required to pay dues directly to the Union that represents them. In addition, the law requires that any previously certified unionized unit or Association, must have 60% of total eligible employees signed up to the union prior to July 1, 2023, or the State and Municipal Employer will decertify the Union in that group. This means the contract will go away and everyone will become “at will” employees that can be terminated for any reason. There will be no job security, security for wages, or hours and terms of employment for anyone employed by the unit which is decertified. After July 1, 2023, the Union’s will have to have all union members sign new authorization cards to authorize the union to bargain on your behalf and to sign a debit authorization for dues deduction to be submitted to the Union from the employee’s financial institution. More information will follow. 

The time is NOW! If you are a member, help sign up your co-workers by hitting the button JOIN NOW on the unionfpd.org website and complete, download, sign, and date your union authorization card now. Send it as directed. If you are not yet a member and want to keep what you have for yourself and all your co-workers, click the JOIN NOW button on the unionfpd.org website before June 20, 2023. This is critical, don’t hesitate. “An injury to one is an injury to all”. Help us to help you make your job, wages, benefits, and workplace secure. 

In Solidarity,
Henry Santana, Executive Director

Professional Associations

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